Instagram video – for fun

Rice park #downtownSTP #spring #stpaulmn

A video posted by Teresa Boardman (@tboard) on

It is Friday and Fridays are for fun. I love to use instagram and I took a lot of pictures this past week. The water fountains have been turned on in the local parks. This Instagram video was taken in Rice Park. It isn’t very good but it is very short.

Surveys indicate that home sellers want to hire Realtors who use more video. Video has been the next big thing in real estate since 2005. Every year there are all sorts of classes for real estate agents on the subject and experts are flown in from around the country to talk about the wonders of video.

For some reason experts believe that just because most real estate agents can not take a decent still photo they should be able to shoot some really great video and if it isn’t great it is “organic” like my video of the water fountain. You know amateurish and kind of shaky.

Real estate agents who use video tend to focus the camera on themselves rather than on some real estate. Some shoot the video while in a moving car with the camera pointing at their face. It looks bizarre and kind of dangerous to me.

I use instagram a lot. Click on the badge if you want to see my instagrams. If you follow me I will probably follow you back because I enjoy looking at pictures.


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