Happy Winter Solstice 2010

Photo Dec 19 11 47 54 AM

It is either the shortest day of the year or the longest night depending upon your perspective and the first day of Winter which from my perspective started a month ago.   Sunrise is at 7:48 AM and sunset at 4:34 PM giving us 8 hours and 46 minutes of day light.  The days start getting longer again on December 25th. 

This Winter Solstice is special and rare because there will be a full lunar eclipse starting at 3:41 AM out time and lasting for three hours.  You can watch it on your computer via NASA.

The confluence of the Winter Solstice, the full moon and the lunar eclipse, and a snow storm make today the perfect day to buy a home in St. Paul. 

The graphic  is from one of my favorite iPad apps Emerald Observatory.  This beautiful app costs less than a buck.


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6 Replies to “Happy Winter Solstice 2010”

  1. Interesting post. I never thought of the expression longest night of the year. I like that one.

    1. Teresa Boardman says:

      So doe that mean you will buy a house?

  2. Thanks for the tip, Teresa, but I still missed the eclipse (read: was still sleeping). Did you stay up to watch it??

    1. Teresa Boardman says:

      No point in staying awake. It was raining and or snowing here

  3. I can’t say I had the same excuse… I live in sunny Scottsdale, AZ where it was clear and 56 degrees last night. 🙂

  4. Teresa Boardman says:

    Big deal.

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