Happy Cyber Monday 2023

wooden houses

Cyber Monday is for shopping over the internet while at work. Some workplaces monitor employee internet which is why for some today is a good day to work from home.

You can almost buy a house online but not quite. Homes for sale are easy to find online. Buyers who are pre-approved for a loan can make an offer. Easy right?

It should be simple but most home buyers want to see the house before they make an offer. They want to make an inspection contingent offer but they might not know how to do that. It seems simple but there are contracts involved.

Buying real estate isn’t like ordering a TV from Amazon on Cyber Monday.

Maybe that is a good thing because real estate is expensive and buying the right property is important. The consequences of buying the wrong property can linger for a lifetime.

Go ahead and shop but when it is time to buy call your Realtor.

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