Minnesota property taxes, payable to the county where the property is located are due Monday, May 15th, 2023. If you have a mortgage the mortgage company may be collecting money each month to pay the taxes in May and October.
If you want to check to make sure your taxes were paid by your mortgage company look them up online.
I usually make two payments but this year because of inflation, recent bank failures, and the way the Federal government is gambling with the debt ceiling I figured it would be best to pay up for the year.
Some Minnesotans are eligible for property tax refunds. Check the Minnesota Department of Revenue website for details. Homeowners can file for refunds online. Forms for homeowners and renters are available online. The deadline for filing is August 15th and refunds usually go out in September.
There is a tax deferral program that a lot of homeowners don’t know about for homeowners who are 65 or older with household incomes of less than $60,000. The deferral is basically a loan.