The freedom to stay warm

It is Friday and Fridays are for fun. I spend a lot of time watching the inauguration on Wednesday.  There was a lot of conversation on social media about what the women wore particularly the first lady, former first lady Michelle Obama, and the first female Vice President Kamala Harris. I don’t think men are having these conversations but women are.

I know that as a woman I am expected to care about fashion, especially cute shoes. The shoes that the above-mentioned women wore to the inauguration cost more than I spend on shoes in five years.

The clothes were certainly appropriate and beautiful too. They were also a reminder to me that women, no matter who they are and what they do are expected to be decorative and are often judged as much by their clothing as they are by their accomplishments.  No one commented on what President Biden or First Gentleman Emhoff wore on inauguration day.

Bernie Sanders memes have been very popular this week. With Sanders in his folding chair, placed in locations all over the country.  Sanders has worn the coat in prior years it isn’t new. I admire his clothing choices and his ability to wear the same garment in more than one season. He looks so Minnesota.

Senator Bernie Sanders at the 2021 Inauguration of President Biden

Even the amazing poet laureate Amada Groman got a clothing critique. She told reporters that she choose to wear yellow because it is her favorite color.



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