Our first primary in 28 years


Yes, it is Super Tuesday AND we don’t have to go caucus because for the first time in 28 years there will be a primary.

Registered voters can vote at their usual polling place on March 3. If you are unsure of where you vote, the Minnesota Secretary of State’s website has a polling place finder. Most polling places are open 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.

I’ll be honest I always hated caucuses but have been to many of them over the years. I vote in every election, I always have but I have not participated in every caucus.

It is too late for the people who voted early to change their vote if their candidate dropped out. The deadline was last Tuesday.

The next presidential election is still 245 days away, and inauguration day 2021 is 322 days away. A lot can happen between now and then and I think I am safe in predicting that it will.

There will be misinformation and lots of arguing and some lying too but we will get through it.

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