Earth Day 2023

pictures of trash
Earth Day – 2019 – some of the trash I found near Indian Mounds Park in St. Paul

It is Friday and Fridays are for fun. Tomorrow is earth day.  I remember the very first earth day back in 1970. That is right I am THAT old. The last earth day may not be far off.

Back then concerns about the environment had just started. By the 1980’s we knew we were in trouble unless we made some changes to the way we live.  Now we know that the damage we have done to planet Earth which is our only home probably isn’t reversible.

The pandemics, droughts, floods, fires, and mega-storms will continue. Food prices will continue to rise as regions where food can be grown shrink. There is a finite amount of water on the planet and as the population of the planet goes beyond that critical tipping point water will become more scarce and there will be more people without safe drinking water or any drinking water at all.

There is an official clean-up event on Saturday, April 22, from 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM. See the City of St. Paul website for details.

Happy Earth Day!