Downtown is open and festive

Landmark Plaza
Landmark Plaza – Hamm building in the background

There were numerous holiday events downtown last weekend. There was a lot of traffic with people headed to the Xcel, to CHS Field for skating, to the Union Depot for the North Pole Express, and to the Holiday Market. (The picture was taken very early in the morning)

There is a lot of housing in downtown St. Paul too.  At last count, there were over 7100 residents and 4300 households.

Right now is a better time to buy a downtown condo. Median prices are around $235,000 and about 25% of all housing on the market in St. Paul is downtown.  There are 55 housing units to choose from. Some are in luxury buildings and some are lower-cost units in buildings that were converted from apartments. There are also rentals available in all price ranges, starting at $114,000 and going up to a million.

There is currently a 4.6-month supply of housing downtown. Not quite a buyer’s market but less competitive than the rest of the city where were are seeing less than a two-month supply.

Maybe you don’t want to live downtown but you really should visit during the holiday season. If you are into photography bring your camera.

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