You can count on election workers

The day after Halloween

It is Friday and Fridays are for fun. We have something big to celebrate. The campaign ads have mostly stopped as have the “get out the vote” text messages. The next election cycle isn’t far off but let’s not think about that for a few days.

I worked as a precinct election judge from 5:30 AM on election day until 9:15 PM. I just want everyone to know that counting is a very big part of the election process. We count the ballots and then the ballot receipts and make sure there is the same number of receipts as there are cast ballots.

The number of voter check-ins also has to be the same as the number of cast ballots and ballot receipts.

There are half a dozen poll workers constantly counting and then checking once an hour to make sure all the numbers match. If everything doesn’t balance we count again.

When the polls close at 8:00 PM we pack everything up there is more counting. I don’t know what happens to the ballots once they go to election HQ but I’ll bet there is more counting.

As I write this we don’t know who the winner of the 2020 presidential election is. But there is a winner and election workers will keep counting, you can count on it.

Have a great weekend! Get out and enjoy the weather and try not to eat any more Halloween candy.


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