Bring some outdoors inside

It is Friday and Fridays are for fun. If you are looking for an almost free house plant that you can enjoy all winter, cut off a piece of coleus from your flowerbed or pot and put it in some water.  A person could make a whole video out of this. Just give it a try it is hard to mess up.

You will see roots in a week or so or let it sit in the water for a month. It is like magic. More roots. Inpatients are also easy to root by cutting a piece of stem and placing in water. They will bloom in your house in the winter. It almost seems like magic and the plants can be brought back outside in the spring.

Coleus, make wonderful houseplants because they are colorful and easy to grow. They will need light. I have grown them in a sunny south-facing window and near an east-facing window.

A person could make a whole video out of this but I am not that person. 🙂 The picture should suffice.

Coleus as a houseplant
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