

I want to read the St. Paul Real Estate BlogYou are on the St. Paul Real Estate Blog, just click the Saint Paul Minnesota, or anywhere on the banner at the top to navigate the site.

I want to know more about Teresa Boardman because I need a realtor and I know that she is the best. See the ‘T-Page”

I keep finding photos with a watermark that says “TBoardman©20XX”  How can I reach this person? I want to buy a picture or have some taken –  easy 651.216.4603 or teresa(at)tboardman.com AKA Teresa Boardman, or @Tboard or just T

I am looking for The St. Paul Real Estate Web site, I used to get there through TBoardman.com, what gives?  – Just click one of the links above and everything will be just fine, besides change is good . . especially for parking downtown.

I am looking for St. Paul Photos Sweet! I Post a photo everyday. Most are local scenes except when I travel. I take photos for fun and sometimes I even get paid to take them. My local photos can be found in some offices and in private homes and probably in some places that I don’t know about because people like to swipe them.

I have no idea what I am doing here I was looking for something else, please get me out of here. 

I would like to send an email to Teresa Boardman or call:



Heck I am not sure what aTeresa Boardman is, but I am curious. You will find a bio and a bunch of links.  For really current information and possible sightings, ask Google, just type in my name.

Oh look a butterfly . . .

I am with Boardman Realty  Real estate is local and so are we.