We almost made it

Rice Park Lights – taken in 2010 when there were more trees in the park

It is Friday and Fridays are for fun. In my household, we almost made it through black Friday and Cyber Monday without spending a dime. Unfortunately, my husband’s razor stopped working and I couldn’t persuade him to wait until January to replace it.

The news this week has been all about projections for holiday spending. I know that the economy is depending on all of us to spend money but there is also a downside to spending money on stuff.

Maybe if we all stop spending money the economy will slow maybe interest rates will go down and that will make it easier for people to buy houses and cars too.

If people stop buying gasoline prices at the pump will go down too. It would be fun to watch those record oil company profits take a nosedive.

Employers count on workers overspending during the holidays and starting the new year needing lots of money. Having bills to pay is a great motivator.

It would be fun to see what happens if people spend little this holiday season.


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