What to do and where to go

 This weekend will be a little warmer than last weekend but not quite as exciting. . .unless of course you are into watching rodents to see if they can see their own shadow.  Wheeeeee ground hog’s day!

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Last Weekend – 2013 Red Bull Crashed Ice

There are plenty of things to do and places to go.  Hibernating during the winter isn’t a good thing.  It is still Saint Paul Winter Carnival time and the torchlight parade is this evening at 5:30 in downtown St. Paul. 

If you don’t love a parade there is still plenty to do.  Go to the St. Paul spot web site for details or download the mobile app to find events nearby or across town. 

Screen shot of St. Paul Spot app

St. Paul spot - For the iPhone

St. Paul spot –For the Android