I should be more excited about AI

It is Friday and Fridays are for fun. AI (Artificial Intelligence) has taken the real estate industry by storm. In fact, some say that real estate agents who do not take advantage of AI will soon be out of business.

Yesterday I was playing with generating images using Image Creator from Designer. It is a Microsoft product.

I wanted to generate an image of a “woman warrior on a mountain at sunrise”. When I saw the images of women who were in their twenties and shaped like Barbie, I decided to ask for an image of an older woman. I got several images of men with long hair.

Older women are invisible, especially on the internet. Computer programming is a male-dominated profession and so is photography.  The end result is that AI generates images that appeal to men.

Here is one of the images I got when I asked that my character be an older woman. Notice I didn’t ask for an old woman, just an older woman.

AI generated image
Image generated by AI

When I asked for an old woman dancing, I got an image that was a little closer to reality.

Old Woman Dancing
Old Woman Dancing – AI generated image

In general, AI takes the biases we already have and doubles down on them. There is something to be said for original content. Especially original art, photography, and writing created by older women.

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