My property tax walk

It is Friday and Fridays are for fun. Every spring I walk to 90 Plato blvd to drop off my payment for the first half of our Ramsey County Property taxes*. Yes, I am well aware that I can pay them online and that is usually how I pay the second half.

I walk over the high bridge and down the hill to Plato and drop off the payment and then walk along plato to Wabasha street and then over the Wabasha street bridge to Kellogg Blvd. and then to West 7th and then home again. It is a lovely walk on a spring day and it is a reminder to me that I am privileged to have the time and energy to make the 3 mile walk and am fortunate to have the resources to pay those exorbitant and ever rising property taxes.

I took my property tax walk yesterday. I enjoyed the views of the river along the way.

View from the river bluff
View of downtown from the top of the Smith Ave.High Bridge

*If you live in Minnesota your property taxes are not due until May 15, 2024.

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