Dialing for dollars


It is Friday and Fridays are for fun.  I have worked so many hours in the last few weeks that even my tired is tired.  I keep selling houses . . seriously I do.  

Yesterday I got a phone call from someone at Facebook trying to sell me advertising.  I have a Facebook business page, but it is mostly for decoration and the nice young man on the phone politely told me how much my Facebook business page sucks.  I am not engaging  . . . 

His called just reinforced  my notion that Facebook is not a good place to advertise.  If facebook advertising worked they would not have to have their sales people call me they would just have a facebook business page to engage me and I would buy ads. 

In business-to-business sales the phone still rules.  I get several calls a week inviting my to spend money.  Most of them are not what I would call out side the box thinkers when it comes to sales and marketing. 

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