Coming this week. .

 I usually write this the day before or after Thanksgiving but this year I want to put it out there right away.  There should never be a special day for shopping local.  We should shop local everyday unless of course we need warm woman’s boots

As a local business myself I can tell you that most of the money that I make each year gets spent right in my own neighborhood.  I am not part of a big national franchise, and there is no HQ in another state that I send the money to.  There isn’t any big corporation or glass office tower either . . .I’ll have to work on that.  I like to say that real estate is local and so am I and I was made right here in St. Paul too. 

As the economy continues to heal from the last recession I can see the impact on local businesses up and down the street.  Several near where I live have new signage and have made improvements to their stores.  One hired my niece so she can know the joy of earning money, paying taxes and paying some of her own expenses. 

All year long and especially during the holiday season if I get to choose where we meet or where we go for lunch or coffee I choose the small neighborhood business every time. 

Last summer I bought some used furniture from a store just a block from my house and fixed it up so that it almost looks like new.  A similar item at Target or Walmart would have cost 4 or 5 times as much.

If you must shop on Thanksgiving day or the day after please consider shopping in your own neighborhood and don’t forget that next Saturday, November 30th is shop local day. 

IMG 4936w 2Sophie Joe’sIMG 6321w
Wescott Station
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