A Saturday in Spring

Church Steeple

I have always liked the color of the new spring leaves and took this photo yesterday of the steeple on The House of Hope Presbyterian church on Summit ave. in St. Paul.  The leaves are still small and the color is so vibrant.

This is a beautiful time of year and one day we may have average temperatures and be able to get out and enjoy it. I don't get to enjoy the weather much on Saturday's in the spring.  The weekend is the busiest part of the week. I will be out showing houses today. maybe even your house if it is on the market.

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2 Replies to “A Saturday in Spring”

  1. This is a great picture! I’m a Realtor too. One of my hobbies is enjoying photography on the side. You can view some of my images here

  2. Teresa, that is an awesome observation about the new green leaves.. This is something I hadn’t ever seen until I moved to Texas, but my art teacher insisted it was a real color! Now, I know it is.

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