What is in my email today?

It is Friday and Fridays are for fun. My email is mostly spam these days. I check my spam filers every day because most of the email that isn’t spam ends up in


the spam folder.

I get 4 or 5 emails each week from people who want to write articles and put them on this site. I also get several emails each week from people who are “following up”, “reaching out”, and “circling back” about emails they already sent asking if they can write articles for this site.

There are also numerous emails about inheritances that are mine or from people who have inheritances that they need to spend right now on real estate.

There are also a few from widows of princes and kings who believe I can help them smuggle large amounts of money out of their country. So many sad stories.

Once every couple of months I get ransom notes with threats in them asking me to pay up in bitcoin of course and then they will go away. Sure they will.

Emails with invoices that I supposedly already paid arrive with links I can click on if I want to dispute the charges.

A few fake Amazon emails arrive each month. Sometimes they look so real that I check my account to make sure all is well but I never, ever, ever click on anything in these emails more do I respond to them.

There are also regular advertising emails announcing conferences, classes, and Realtor open houses. Companies that make signs and sell business cards and greeting cards send reminders of about sales or messages letting me know now is a good time to order.

I managed to get off the mailing lists of the many politicians letting me know they need money now and have deadlines. Most of them make more money than I do and when they are elected we pay for everything including their salaries. If it is up to me to donate money to save a political party that party is doomed to fail.

There are some emails that I actually want and a few that are helpful but I sure have to sift through a lot of crap to get to them.

As a rule, I won’t ever click on a link in an email. It doesn’t matter how well I know the sender and you shouldn’t either, not even for fun.

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