Weather we can’t count on

It is Friday and Fridays are for fun. We can’t count on the weather. Last week we missed our niece’s wedding because of the big storm that dropped rain, snow, and ice along the I90 corridor. Having a wedding in Illinois and inviting family from Minnesota anytime between November 15th and April is risky.

We have been through this before. There was a wedding the weekend of the epic Halloween blizzard.

Some wedding guests missed the dinner on Friday night because of the tornados in the area. I imagine a few guests bailed because of the pandemic. Weddings are a relic of the before time.

After the storms came through on Wednesday the snow that I spent hours shoveling has melted. The combination of 58-degree temperatures, strong winds, and rain cleared the 10 inches of snow that fell last week overnight.

We broke some records with tornados in Minnesota and temperatures that were way above average. The weather was most un-December in Minnesota like. I think we got all of the rain we didn’t get last June.

If you are planning an event this winter or are planning on attending one my advice is to wait until spring. It is now possible to have weather from all four seasons in one day. Any event that is held on that day will be canceled or rescheduled.

back yard
last Saturday – my backyard
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