It is Friday and Fridays are for fun. I get many emails that I didn’t ask for and don’t want. There are the scammers who tell me they have access to my computer and they want money. I report the email as a scam and delete it. Royalty in several countries have my email address and they want to send me millions if I would just give them my banking info. I report and delete.
Worse, are the people who send me emails because they want to sell me something. They send an email and when they don’t get a response they “circle back” asking for a response. They beg and plead, yet I don’t send a response.
The truth about email is that we don’t owe anyone an answer just because they sent an email. Even in Minnesota, we don’t have to be “nice” and respond. As a business owner, I don’t have any special obligation to respond to an email from another business. I honor my commitment to respond to emails from clients and people that I work with.
Have a great weekend!