Photography for Friday

Ah yes it is Friday and Fridays are for fun.  On Wednesday I wrote about experimental photography and today for fun I thought I would write about what happens when that experimental photography goes wrong.   It should be noted that any type of photography can and will go wrong in the hands of someone with a real estate license. 

(any pictures on this blog can be made larger for better viewing by clicking on them with your mouse or your figure on a touch screen)

Dunn Bros. west 7th, st. paul, mn
Photo May 02 2 24 46 PM

I took this inside the local Dunn Bros. coffee shop.  It turned out alright until it chopped the back off of the chair. #fail

Photo May 03 9 06 11 AM
Photo May 03 9 06 11 AM

This  is supposed to be a photograph of a beautiful dining room.  I know I could use it in our MLS but I won’t.  It has that nice distorted stitched together look going on and some of the place settings and chairs are kind of mangled. 


A car may have driven through this picture either that or there is a car embedded in the pavement on St. Peter street and I missed it. 

Also see Photography for Realtors