Home Prices by Neighborhood

April 2011 St. Paul, MN

The news media is all over the idea of a double dip recession and they are looking at average housing prices.  Home prices in St. Paul are down slightly.  They are down from last year but last April they were slightly inflated because of the home buyer tax credits.  Home prices are higher this April than they were in the April of 2009. 

Home sales remain sluggish and the number of homes on the market is slowly climbing as more foreclosures hit the market.  There is plenty of room for optimism  but not in the housing market.  

The chart above was made from numbers from our local MLS for St. Paul, Minnesota for the month of April 2011. The data is deemed reliable but not guaranteed but there are few guarantees in life.

For more local numbers please see Local Market Conditions and Home Prices and remember that real estate is local.